Courses I have TA'd in the past
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” (CS 540)
- Prof. Jerry Zhu, Fall ‘23
- Prof. Yudong Chen, Fall ‘24
- Prof. Sharon Li, Spring ‘25
University of Washington
“Deep Learning” (CSE 493/599)
- Prof. Ranjay Krishna, Spring ‘23
“Machine Learning for Big Data” (CSE 547)
- Prof. Tim Althoff, Winter ‘23
“Computer Vision: Classical and Deep Methods” (EE P 596)
- Prof. Stan Birchfield, Autumn ‘21
“Signal Processing” (EE 242)
Prof. Tai Chen, Spring ‘22
Prof. Akshay Gadre, Autumn ‘22
Responsibilities Included:
- Mentoring course projects from proposal to presentation
- Leading weekly lab and theoretical discussion sessions
- Grading homework, examinations, and final projects
- Providing my own solution sets for code and theory problems